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Tour My Desk!

Hey Guys,

                Back to school is coming! I only have 2 weeks left of summer. So, since I use my desk a lot during the school year, I decided to do a desk tour. My desk is from Ikea, and my chair is from JYSK, I think. I got it for my birthday last year. Normally, my desk gets pretty messy during the school year, and some of the things you will see on my desk are not going to be there during the school year, as I will be using it. So, without further ado, let's get started.

Here is an overview of my desk:
I have four bulletin boards above my desk, and my lamp is from Ikea. On my bulletin boards I normally have my school schedule and dance schedule on my bulletin boards that are on the bottom.
On the base of my lamp, in that little case I have my headphones in, and the cube is to connect my phone charging cable with the outlet. My lamp actually has a USB port where my phone normally charges. That thing with the quote is my daily calendar.

The page on top is my August mood tracker, and the drip I will fill in later. The book underneath is a colour me in journal, it has colouring bits throughout.
My planner normally just sits in the middle of my desk, so if I have lists of things I need to do I can easily look at my planner. That's also the pencil I normally use.
That's my lock that I use for school and my ruler, those will be gone when school starts.
On the far left, the giraffe, it's actually a pen. The jar just holds my nail file and some stuff. The mirror, I use for putting in my contacts, it lights up. Beside that I have a jar full of pens and pencils and my left-handed scissors. Yes, I am a lefty.
In the wooden organizer I have markers and metallic pencil crayons in the little section and notepads, and washi tape in the large section. Beside that, I have bun kit that I use for ballet and two stamps that have dancers on them to mark when I have dance.

Well that's it for my desk tour. I hope you enjoyed. I will see you soon.


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