Hey Guys, Here is part 2 of my summer bucket list. It is almost August so my summer is almost half over! Anyways, without further ado, let's get started. 1. Choreograph something mature/ just in general - So I've been taking a little break from choreographing since May-ish, I have some ideas and I am choreographing something currently to the song "To Build a Home" by the Cinematic Orchestra. I also have an idea for a post about choreography. 2. Discover myself - My goal is that by the end of the summer I can know myself a little bit more. I want to eat healthier, be a lot more confident with my style and myself, be a bit more flexible and discover new ways of moving my body through dance. 3. Cook every week or almost - So I've cooked almost every week of the summer so far and I really want to continue it for the rest of the summer. It gives my parents a break from cooking as well. 4. Spend less time on Youtube - I watch a lot of Youtube and I...
Writer, dancer, bookworm, francophone, Choreographer.